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Amoy Magic Guide to Xiamen and Fujian Main Page MenuClick to Access


AmoyMagic-- Travel , Resident and Business Guide to Xiamen and Fujian
Xiamen Gulangyu Kulangyu Kolongsoo Kolongsu KulongsuGulangyu
Jimei Tan Kah Kee Jimei University Turtle Garden Jimei AmoyMagic-- Travel , Resident and Business Guide to Xiamen and FujianTong'an
Jinmen Quemoy Matsu Taiwan
Zhangzhou  changchow Zhangzhou
Discover Quanzhou, ancient start of maritime silk route ( or Zaytun Zaitun Zaiton ) from which Marco Polo sailed,  Sinbad the Arab visited.  ChinchewQuanzhou Wuyi Mountain Guide Zhuxi  tea Wuyi
Favorite Fujian tourist sites , in order: Xiamen Quanzhou Longyan Hakka earthen houses Wuyi mountain Ningde
#1Fujian Sites!
Photographs of Fuhken places like Zhangzhou, Longyan, Ningde, Sanming, Wuyi Mountain
Fujian Foto Album
Guidebooks about Fujian and Xiamen Fujian Adventure Discover Quanzhou Discover Gulangyu Magic Fujian etc.Books on Fujian
Letters from AmoyMagic ReadersReaders'Letters

Ningde Taimu Mountain ZhouningNingde Zhouning Carp VillageZhouning
Longyan Yongding Hakka round houses earthen architectureLongyan Sanming Scenic Wonderland Mingxi Gem bed rubies Sanming

Putian Fujian Xianyou Mazu TemplePutian Fujian covered wooden bridgesBridges
Xiamen travel agents and ticketing for trains, planes and automobiles
Travel Info,
Hakka Earthen architecture Hakka Roundhouses

Xiamen Travel Agents and Tour Guides English SpeakingTravel Agents

Historical and Modern Amoy People -- Colorful Characters!Amoy People! amoy mission missionaries
Darwinian Driving Survival of the Fastest DarwinDarwin Driving
Darwin Chinese Driving Survival of fastest
South China Tigers -- our Amoy Kitty CatsAmoy Tigers
Chinese inventions compass gunpowder printing paper zoos newspaper etc.Chinese Inventions
1994 80 day 40,000 km drive to Tibet & backTibet in 80 Days!forty thousand kilometer drive around China
Dethroned Perils of Chinese Potty ToiletDethroned!
Chinese bathrooms
Writings by Bill Brown about life in China,  Fukien Xiamen etc. Includes 80 Day Drive to Tibet  Darwinian Driving Misc.Writings
Latest news tips ideas updatesLatest News
OpiumWars short history and background of the Opium Wars between China Britain Europe missionaries battle against opium addiction etc.Lord of Opium
Kite Flying in Xiamen ChinaBack to Main Page

Chinese Kung Fu and Martial Arts Korean Tae Kwon Do  Japanese JujitsuMartial arts Chinese Kung FuKung Fu

AmoyMagic--Guide to Xiamen & Fujian
Copyright 2001-7 by Sue Brown & Dr. Bill Help Build an online  community for foreigners.  Join the Xiamen Guide forumOrder Books Common Talk Xiamen Dailys Weekly English SupplementXiamenguide Forum Guide to Xiamen and Fujian business tourism history culture cuisine entertainment investment Guide to Xiamen hsiamen amoy fuhken fukien
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Massages in Xiamen - "Rubbed the Right Way!"
Traditional Chinese Therapeutic MassageTraditional Chinese Massage Chinese foot massageFoot Massage Blind Body MassageBlind Body Massage Sports and Recreation in Xiamen FujianSports in Xiamen!
Blind Body Massage  Rubbed the right way!
China has some of the best therapeutic masseurs on the planet, and at very reasonable prices. You might feel like they're r
ubbing you the wrong way when they lay hands on you harder than a televangelist, but the effects are healing and long lasting. Try full body massages, foot massages, and head massages. Ten or twelve Yuan can get you a shampoo and a head and upper body massage (try the Hair Salon in Xiamen University's Yifu Bldg.).

Traditional Chinese Massage
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Chinese Therapeutic Massage (Huáyīguǎn Zhōngyī Kāngfù Ménzhěnbù 华医馆中医康复门诊部)
Add: #59 Húbīn Nán Lù, Near Húbīn Bus Station
湖滨南路59号, 湖滨南汽车总站附近
Tel:2210888 Buses: 10, 15, 23, 30, 43, 45, 811, 99, 810
Shannon Brown likes foot massages -- if Dad foots the bill!

Long Life Health Care Consultants (Chángshēngtáng Yǎngshēng Bǎojiàn Zīxún Yǒuxiàn Gōngsī 长生堂养生保健咨询有限公司)
Add: #1 Jiànyé Lù Jíxiáng Jiāyuán #8-9; opposite Marco Polo Hotel 建业路1号吉祥家园之8-9; 马可波罗酒店对面Tel: 25311658 Bus: #85

Chinese Traditional Massage (Zhōngyī Tuīná ànmó 中医推拿按摩 #3 Huáchāng Lù , Húlǐ 华昌路3号, 湖里 Tel: 8275363 Buses: 9, 11, 34, 40, 49

Foot Massages
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Peony Wanpeng Hotel (Mǔdān Wànpéng Bīnguǎn 牡丹万鹏宾馆) Faces Botanical Garden (Wànshíyuán 万石园) Has our favorite foot massage. But a card for ten massages and save (works out to about 38 Yuan for 70 minutes!). Include tea, fruit, etc.
Add: #17-19 Húyuán Lù Xiàmén 361003 虎园路17-19号 Tel: 2662888
Bigfoot Lives!  That's my foot in the photo!

Hanfu Foot Massage (Hànfǔ Zúyù Bǎojiàn Fúwù Yǒuxiàn Gōngsī 汉府足浴保健服务有限公司)
Add: #335 Jiāhe Lù, Tiānbǎo Bldg. 3/F
嘉禾路335号天宝大厦三楼 Tel: 5338025 Buses: 27, 51, 52, 54, 67, 105, 106, 108, 507

Blind Body Massage
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Blind Body Massage
(Zhōngyī Mángrén Bǎojiàn Tuīná Zhōngxīn 中医盲人保健推拿中心). This is one of the fields in which the blind excel. Their almost preternatural sense of touch allows a skilled blind masseur to hit me right where I knead it And I feel less self-conscious knowing these folk cannot see my con-tours! A favorite, just around the corner from Liánbǎn Pizza Hut, is a bargain at only 30 Yuan per hour.
Add: Xiāngjiāng Huāyuán #2 Bldg. Míngzhūgé 6/F Room B(香江花园2号楼明珠阁6层B座(全家福豆浆店对面)
Tel: 5133477

Gold Coast Blind Massage (Jīn Hǎiàn Mángrén ànmó Zhōngxīn 金海岸盲人按摩中心) Húbīn Nānlù 湖滨南路 Near Zhōngshān Hospital (Zhōngshān Yī-yuàn Fùjìn; diagonal from Xiàmén Airlines Jīnyàn Hotel 中山医院附近;厦门航空金雁酒店(湖滨南路99号)斜对面.
Tel: 2213393 Buses: 45, 46, 528

Mingai Blind Massage (Míngài Mángrén ànmó Zhōngxīn
明爱盲人按摩中心) Add: Jinbang Bldg. #A 3/F 金榜大厦A栋3楼
Tel:5853278 Buses: 1, 3, 21

TRAVEL LINKS Hakka Earthen architecture Favorite Fujian Sites Photographs of Fuhken places like Zhangzhou, Longyan, Ningde, Sanming, Wuyi MountainFujian Foto Album AmoyMagic-- Travel , Resident and Business Guide to Xiamen and FujianXiamen Gulangyu Kulangyu Kolongsoo Kolongsu KulongsuGulangyu Guide to Fukien Fuhken Fujian Guides Mystic Quanzhou -- the fabled port of Zayton ( or Zaytun Zaitun Zaiton ) from which Marco Polo sailed,  Sinbad the Arab visited.  ChinchewQuanzhou Zhangzhou  changchow Zhangzhou Longyan Yongding Liancheng Changting Amoy Tigers LianchengLongyan Wuyi Mountain Guide Zhuxi  tea Wuyi Mtn Ningde Taimu Mountain ZhouningNingde Putian Fujian Xianyou Mazu TemplePutian Sanming Scenic Wonderland Mingxi Gem bed rubies Sanming Zhouning Carp VillageZhouning Hakka Earthen architecture Taimu Mtn. Hakka Earthen architecture Roundhouses Fujian covered wooden bridgesBridges Hakka Earthen architecture Jiangxi Hakka Earthen architecture Guilin Help Build an online  community for foreigners.  Join the Xiamen Guide forumOrder Books Letters from AmoyMagic ReadersReaders' Letters

Gulangyu Kulangyu Kolongsoo Kolongsu Kulongsu

Guide to Xiamen University Historic and modern, including departments -- Arts Science computers mathematics accounting management law department etc.Xiamen Univ

Mystic Quanzhou -- the fabled port of Zayton ( or Zaytun Zaitun Zaiton ) from which Marco Polo sailed,  Sinbad the Arab visited.  Chinchew

AmoyMagic-- Travel , Resident and Business Guide to Xiamen and Fujian

Fujian Adv

Guide to Fukien Fuhken  Bilingual Chinese English Parallel with MP3 CDFujianGuide

Click to e-mail Dr. Bill Brown or Susan BrownClick to E-mail Email address for Bill and Sue Brown     Letters from AmoyMagic ReadersReaders'Letters

Last Updated: May 2007Return to main page and main menu of Amoymagic Return to Main Page       Return to top of pageBack to Top

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Doctors Dentists Hospitals Clinics in Xiamen Jimei and Tong'an Medical & Dental
Xiamen YMCA and YWCAYMCA Volunteer! Xiamen International Christian Fellowship Expat Nondenominational interdenominational
Xiamen International Christian FellowshipXICF Fellowship 
Xiamen Churches Protestant Catholic Seventh Day Adventist Amoy Mission Missionaries AbeelChurches Islamic Muslim Mosques Ashab Quanzhou Damascus Fuzhou Xiamen
Xiamen and Fujian Buddhist Taoist Confucian Temples Mazu Manichean Hindu IslamicTemplesXiamen and Fujian Temples and Mosques  Buddhism Confucian Taoism Taoist Buddhism Mazu Matsu Meizhou IslandXiamen and Fujian  Mosques Islamic Muslim Ashab Mosque Quanzhou Fuzhou  Mohammed Disciples DamascusMosque

Xiamen Expat Association Welcome SupportExpat Groups
Hire a Maid Household help servant baomu amah etc.Maids Xiamen Emergency and Frequently used telephone numbersPhone #s

Xiamen University GuideXiamen University
Xiamen International School  International Baccalaureate ProgramXIS(Int'l School)
Study Mandarin Chinese or Minnan Dialect at Xiamen University  or with private tutorStudy Mandarin
China Studies Program Xiamen University  Council for Christian Colleges and Universities Washington D.C. Jay LundeliusCSP(China Studies)
Piano Island Music Events Xiamen Philharmonic OrchestraLibrary Xiamen Museum Library Science Center  World's largest organ museum Asia's largest piano museum China's first anthropology museum Sino Eurolpean art museum etc.Museums
History of Amoy Changchow Chinchew Zaiton Fukien etc.History
Xiamen restaurants dining western and Chinese cuisineRestaurants Xiamen Asian restaurants -- Singapore Thailand Thai Malaysian  Japanese Korean PhilippineAsian
Xiamen Vegetarian cuisine Nanputuo Temple Seventh Day Adventist Health foodVeggie Xiamen Restaurants Fast Food McDonalds KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken Pizza Hut Burger King (just kidding!) Cafes Coffee shopsJunk Food
Xiamen restaurants dining western and Chinese cuisineChinese Xiamen Italian Restaurants -- over 40!  Pizza pasta cheeseItalian
Western (Internationall) Cuisine in XiamenInternationalAlien visa info -- Americans, Europeans E.T. Outer space visitors
Chinese visa and passport informationVisas 4 aliens
Hakka Earthen architecture Massage!
Hakka Earthen architecture Beaches Kite Flying in Xiamen ChinaFly Kites
Sports -- Golf, Badminton Tennis Bowling Paint BallSports Xiamen Boardwalk One of the most beautiful boardwalks in China or anywhere else.  Along the Island Ring road over 6km long so far.Boardwalk
Xiamen Parks, recreation, hiking boardwalk etcParks Xiamen Museum Library Science Center etcPets
Bird watching in Xiamen Amoy  SwinhoeBirdwatching
Martial arts Chinese Kung FuKung Fu Hiking around Xiamen BushwalksHiking
Piano Island Music Events Xiamen Philharmonic OrchestraMusic Events
Chinese festivals and culture minnanFestival&Culture
Chinese Jokes Humor Funny China photosHumor&Chinese Jokes Humor Funny China photosFun Fotosfunny photos of China
Doing Business Invest in Xiamen Fujian ChinaDoing Business
Work or teach in Xiamen, Quanzhou or other Fujian schools and universities  English French RussianJobs!(teach/work)
Hire permanent or temporary workers labor craftsmen maids tutorsHire Workers
Foreign Companies in Xiamen Joint Ventures Foreign Companies
China International Fair for Investment and Trade and Cross Straits Exchanges
CIFIT (Trade Fair)
Common Talk Xiamen Dailys Weekly English SupplementMTS(Translation)

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