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XMU! 104
XMU Sites!
XMU History: XMU
Founder Tan Kah Kee (Henry Ford of Asia)
Yanan --Scientist Lu
Xun Father of Modern Chinese Lit.
Lim Boon-keng, "Sage of Singapore" Lin
Yutang Lin
Photo Album XMU--Strength
of the Nation (by Dr. Bill &
XMU ¨C An International
Flash! ¡°In September last
year, XMU had the great honor of welcoming His Excellency Prime Minister
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Following the great initiative proposed by His
Excellency to set up a Malay Studies Program in XMU, XMU stressed its
full commitment to this proposal.¡± Common Talk,
Xiamen Daily, Nov. 17, 2004
Pioneer in Education for Foreigners¡ªBoth
on and off Campus
In this Internet Age, many schools across the globe are offering quality
online degrees, but XMU pioneered distance education in 1956¡ªdecades
before the rest of the world! Over the past 50 years, XMU has taught over
30,000 overseas correspondence students from 100+ countries and regions.
We also pioneered on-campus education for foreigners in China, and now
have over 1,600 resident students, from 50+ countries and regions, studying
everything from Minnan Dialect to Acupuncture.
Exchange & Cooperative Programs
XMU has over 100 sister universities and close ties with
over 80 higher education institutes in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., New
Zealand, Australia, Japan, the Netherlands, Singapore, France, Belgium,
Italy, Russia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Korea, Thailand, the Philippines,
and Israel, as well as Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao. Cooperative foreign
institutes include South Ko-rea¡¯s Inha Univ., France¡¯s LeHavre Univ.,
the United States¡¯ Univ. of Rhode Island and Univ. of Washington, Australia¡¯s
RMIT (Royal Melbourne Insti-tute of Technology), and Israel¡¯s Haifa Univ.
Over 100 XMU scholars go abroad each year through faculty exchange programs
with such institutes as the Univ. of Illinois and Calvin College in the
USA, the Univ. of Amsterdam in Holland, Soka Univ. in Japan, Ateneo de
Univ. de Manila in the Philippines, and Inha Univ. in Korea.
Our numerous joint
programs with foreign institutes include an envi-ronmental
program with the Univ. of San Francisco, and an innovative me-dia arts
program with the U.K.¡¯s Univ. of Luton. Students complete two years in
XMU, one year in Luton, and receive two bachelor degrees, one from each
university (and can stay another year in Luton to complete a mas-ters
in media arts). XMU is also exploring further projects with Curtin Technology
Univ. in Australia, Oxford Brooks Univ., Sussex Univ., and Newcastle Univ.
upon Tyon in the U.K., and Saint Mary¡¯s Univ. in Canada.
We are not only sending our students all over the world but bringing the
world¡¯s students to XMU with innovative programs.
World Comes to XMU Since the 1980s XMU has invited over
3000 foreign scholars to teach, lecture, or engage in research. Our foreign
experts teach undergrad and grad courses in English, Russian, Japanese
cul-ture and language, Japanese history, history of modern and classical
foreign literature, literary criticism of American and British literature,
Western cul-ture, management, economics, etc.¡ªthe list grows each semester.
We¡¯ve even had Michael Dell lecture a couple of times, and granted him
the title of Honorary Professor (not bad for a man who never finished
On XMU one often encounters groups of foreign college students and teenagers
participating in the numerous cross-cultural activities hosted by our
campus. For example:
Xavier China Experience (XCE) held at XMU each semester
of-fers junior high students from the Philippines a six-week crash course
in Chinese language and culture. 280 students participated in 2004.
China Studies Program (CSP), hosted by the Overseas Education College
(OEC), is sponsored by the Council for Christian Colleges and Uni-versities
in Washington, D.C., and has students from colleges throughout the U.S.
(CSP is introduced later in this chapter).
4th Cross-Straits University Students¡¯ ¡°South Fujian
Culture Study¡± Summer Camp was hosted by XMU in the summer of 2005. Sixty
students from eight Taiwanese universities spent nine days studying South
Fujian culture through classroom activities and on-site tours to places
of his-torical and cultural interest.
Popular Host of International
Conferences With our beautiful sea-side campus and mild climate, XMU is
a popular venue for conferences. In fact, since 1995 we¡¯ve hosted over
100 key international and regional aca-demic conferences, such as the
STATPHYS 19 and ISE 46 conventions.
Sample Year of XMU International Conferences
(March 2004-March 2005
ÎÒУ¾Ù°ì¹ú¼Ê1ѧÊõ»áÒéÒ»ÀÀ±í, 04Äê 3ÔÂ-05Äê3ÔÂ
March 2004 2nd Intl. Society of Electrochemistry µÚ¶þ½ì¹ú¼Êµç»¯Ñ§»á´º¼¾»áÒé
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering College»¯Ñ§»¯¹¤Ñ§Ôº
March 2004 China and S.E. Asia Challenges, Opportunities and the Recon-struction
of S.E. Asian Chinese Ethnic Capital ÖйúºÍ¶«ÄÏÑÇÖ®¼ä»ªÈË×ʱ¾µÄÁ÷¶¯Center
for S.E. Asian Studies ÄÏÑóÑо¿Ôº
March 2004 Symposium on the Suffix of the Noun, a Comparative-study Plan
on the Dialects of the Southeast of China.¹ú¶«Äϲ¿·½ÑԱȽÏÑо¿¼Æ»®Ö®Ãû´Ê´Êβ¹ú¼ÊÑÐÌÖ»á
School of Humanities ÈËÎÄѧԺ
March 2004 Seminar
on Cambridge Phenomenon of Science ´óѧ¿Æ¼¼Ô°Ö®½£ÇÅÏÖÏó¸ß¼¶ÑÐÌÖ°à
April 2004 Tenth
Annual Conference of Assoc. of Chinese Social History and the Intl. Conference
on Ritual, Custom, and Social Order µÚÊ®½ìÖйúÉç»áʷѧ»áÄêôß¡°ÀñÒÇ¡¢Ï°Ë×ÓëÉç»áÖÈÐò¡±¹ú¼ÊѧÊõÑÐÌÖ»á
School of Humanities ÈËÎÄѧԺ
June 2004 Intl. Symposium on Economy Globalization and China Economy Development
¾¼ÃÈ«Çò»¯ÓëÖйú¾¼Ã·¢Õ¹¹ú¼ÊÑÐÌÖ»á School of Economics ¾¼ÃѧԺ
July 2004 The Second
Seminar on the Development of Cross-strait Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnology
and Medicine µÚ¶þ½ìº£Ï¿»¯Ñ§ÉúÎïѧÓë
August 2004 Cross-strait Symposium on Taiwan History º£Ï¿Á½°¶Ì¨ÍåÊ·ÑÐÌÖ»á
Taiwan Research Institute ̨ÍåÑо¿Ôº
August 2004 Academic
Symposium on History and Culture of Hakka, ¿Í¼ÒÀúÊ·ÎÄ»¯Ñ§ÊõÑÐÌÖ»á School
of Humanities ÈËÎÄѧԺ
8.2004 Cross-strait Symposium on Rent Taxation º£Ï¿Á½°¶×â˰ѧÊõÑÐÌÖ»á
School of Economics ¾¼ÃѧԺ
September 2004 China
and S.E. Asia Challenges, opportunities and the reconstruction of S.E.
Asian Chinese ethnic capital ¶«ÄÏÑÇ»ªÈË×ʱ¾ÔÚÖйúÓ붫ÄÏÑǵÄÁ÷¶¯ Center
for S.E.Asian Studies ÄÏÑóÑо¿Ôº
October 2004 2nd Intl. Conference on Environmental Concerns µÚ¶þ½ì¹ØÓÚ»·¾³ÎÊÌâµÄ¹ú¼Ê»áÒé
College of Oceanography and Environmental Science º£ÑóÓë»·¾³Ñ§Ôº
October 2004 4th Intl. Symposium on Accounting & Finance µÚËĽì»á¼ÆÓë²ÆÎñÎÊÌâ¹ú¼ÊÑÐÌÖ»á
School of Mgmt. ¹ÜÀíѧԺ
October 2004 Sino-French
Symposium for Advanced Chemistry and its Appli-cations Öз¨ÏȽø»¯Ñ§ÓëÓ¦ÓÃѧÊõÑÐÌÖ»á
Chemistry & Chemical Engineering College »¯Ñ§»¯¹¤Ñ§Ôº
October 2004 The First Annual China Finance Conference Ê×½ìÖйú½ðÈÚѧÄê»á
School of Economics ¾¼ÃѧԺ
November 2004 International
Economic Law and China in Its Economic Transi-tion ¹ú¼Ê¾¼Ã·¨Óë¾¼ÃתÐÍÆÚµÄÖйú
School of Law ·¨Ñ§Ôº
November 2004 International Symposium on Baiyue Culture °ÙÔ½ÎÄ»¯¹ú¼ÊѧÊõÑÐÌÖ»á
School of Humanities ÈËÎÄѧԺ
December 2004 International
Symposium on Comparative Study of China and Japan ÖÐÈձȽÏÑо¿¹ú¼ÊѧÊõÑÐÌÖ»á
School of Foreign Languages and OEC ÍâÎÄѧԺºÍº£Íâ½ÌÓýѧԺ
December 2004 Intl. Symposium on Hakka Dialect ¿Í¼Ò·½ÑÔ¹ú¼ÊѧÊõÑÐÌÖ»á
School of Humanities ÈËÎÄѧԺ
December 2005 1st
Cross-strait Symposium on Russian Language Teaching and Research Ê׽조º£Ï¿Á½°¶¶íÓï½ÌѧÓëÑо¿Ñ§ÊõÌÖÂۻᡱ
School of Foreign Languages ÍâÎÄѧԺ
March 2005 Recent Developments in the Law of the Sea and China ¡°º£Ñ󷨵Äз¢Õ¹ÓëÖйú¡±¹ú¼ÊѧÊõ»áÒé
School of Law ·¨Ñ§Ôº
Etc. Etc.!
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Last Updated: May 2007
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