to Xiamen & Fujian
Copyright 2001-7 by Sue Brown & Dr.
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picture's worth 1,000 words"--especially
if they're my words! Fortunately,
my books on Xiamen, Quanzhou,
Fujian, Gulangyu,
Xiamen Univ. etc. have numerous prize photos
by award-winning photographers from all over Fujian (the books have my
photos as well but you'll survive them).
Click links below for photos:
Qingfu Award-winning photographer's photos of Xiamen & Fujian
Click Here for Page 2 (new!)
Postcards by master photographer Bai
of Lily Wang Great collection of Lily's Gulangyu architectural
Bu Ren Historic B&W photos of Old Amoy, collected by
Xiamen's "Walking History Book," Prof. Hong
Shaogang (Babushka) excellent
photos by master renowned photographer in West Fujian (many photos of
Hakka festivals)
Guangmin Beautiful photos of Fujian by Wuyi Mountain's
famous photographer -- to be added
Churches -- photos of many of Fujian's beautiful churches,
and various Christian activities
Fujian Temples and Religious Sites -- to be
Family Photos -- to be added
of Fujian by Location (under
Zhangghou Info (a few photos; more coming)
Zhouning -- Land
of Kungfu fighting highlanders, carp worshippers, China's largest waterfalls
City -- "Start of the Maritime Silk Road"
-- Walled City & Hui'an Maidens
Wonderland -- the natural, historic and cultural richness of Wuyi
-- the scenie Hakka Homeland, site of China's 4th largest gem deposits,
sleeping Buddha,...
-- the unique Hakka earthen roundhouses
-- Taimu Mountain, Sandu'ao, deng deng (New photos still being added)
-- Kukai's Cove, Seafood, Rafting
-- Kayak Capital of China!
Little Red Shanghai!
X-rated mountain scenery!
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Guide to Xiamen and Fujian
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Last Updated October 2006
from Introduction to Longyan (Hakka Homeland).
Click Here for text and 100+ photos of "Journey
to the West" (trip to Longyan, in West Fujian).
West Fujian is one roller
coaster range of mountains after another, but it¡¯s well worth the ride
to the Hakka Earthen Houses (about 20,000 of them, altogether!), and ¡°Little
Red Shanghai¡ª¡± the Hakka Homeland, Cradle of Chinese Communism, and
start of the Long March (followed by the Short April ).
South China tigers roam Meihua Nature Preserve, and the subterranean beauty
of Dragon Cave and the Immortal Lake Cave compete with the surrealistic
scener of Guanzai Mountain above.
The six hour drive from Amoy to Changting winds past ancient villages
and banyans (the ¡®fengshui tree¡¯ ) nestled deep within dark valleys
shrouded by mists and time. Old stone bridges irrigate patches of sweet
potatoes, tobacco, and taro, guarded by colorful scarecrows (with crows
often perched right on their shoulders).
Mysterious temples cling precariously to cliffs, pagodas crown bald peaks,
and solitary bamboos tower here and there like giant brushes painting
the mist on mountains lifted straight from a Chinese watercolor.
¡°Don¡¯t view flowers on horseback!¡± Chinese warn. (×ßÂí¹Û»¨, zouma guanhua).
In other words, ¡°Take time to smell the roses.¡± So I prefer to drive
slowly (relatively) and savor the sites. I ignore the honks behind me
because I know that Darwinian Driving (Survival of the Fastest) and Sunzi¡¯s
Art of Auto Warfare (Ëï×ÓÆû³µ±ø·¨) require they pass me anyway, whether
I¡¯m driving 50 kph or 150 kph. But this helps keep the population down.
Endless seas of banana trees fill the valleys west of Zhangzhou. Zhangzhou
bananas are no cheaper here than in Xiamen but they¡¯re so fresh that
one stalk included a pair of field mice, at no extra charge. Zhangli would
have had kittens if he¡¯d known that our cat Charlemagne got to them.
Past the bright red and white cottages of ¡°China Orchid Garden (ÖйúÀ¼»¨Ô°)¡±
begin the endless villages, temples, ancient banyan trees, and the endless
billboards that help entertain bored Bills.
Billboards and slogans painted
on old walls, buildings, and farmhouses once proclaimed, ¡°Long Live the
Victorious Struggle of the People!¡± Nowadays they exhort citizens to
¡°Have one child!¡± ¡°Cherish the Roads,¡± ¡°Help Fight Fires,¡± or ¡°Drink
HuiQuan Beer!¡± Bright red ¡°Robust!¡± mineral water signs adorned buildings
in even the remotest valleys. They reminded me of the ¡°See Rock City!
¡± barn roofs once scattered all over the Southeastern U.S.
A Dog¡¯s Life I swerved to
avoid a hound in the highway and my friend said, ¡°The She worship dogs
as gods.¡±
¡°I know,¡± I said. ¡°And I almost sent that god back to heaven!¡±
Legends claim that an ancient king offered his daughter in marriage to
whomever could save the village from bandits¡ªnever dreaming a dog would
win the pretty prize. He didn¡¯t want a dog for a son-in-law, so he used
a 7-day magic transformation to turn the mutt into a man. But on the last
night the curious King took a peek. The magic stopped, leaving a man with
a mutt¡¯s head. Ever since, the She have worshipped dogs, and would no
more eat a dog than other Chinese would chow down on boiled Buddha.
Hakka also worship dogs, but
preferably puppies, ten pounds or less, in a pot. During the 1930s, some
soldiers sold their blankets (and probably pup tents as well) for a hot
pot of potatoes ¡®n puppy. A hot Hakka dish today is QiLing TouTai¡ª¡°Unicorn
pokes out his head¡± (puppy steamed in a pig¡¯s stomach). Yum.
Highway Heaven
Fujian¡¯s modern highways are shrinking our convoluted province faster
than Chinese jeans washed in hot water. Highways bore through mountains
and arch across deep valleys. And every meter is meticulously manicured
with grass, shrubs, bougainvillea, azaleas, a kaleidoscope of potted plants,
and ¡°Cherish the Greenery!¡± signs. I love the new highways. They are
a real contrast from the dirt roads common only a decade ago! But they
fly right past delightful little towns like Shizhong (ÊÊÖÐ), about 170
km west of Xiamen.
Shizhong¡¯s plain has some fascinating 4-story rammed-earth Hakka Castles.
These aren¡¯t tourist traps. Real people live and work here, and when
you show up on their doorstep they¡¯ll grin and say, ¡°You¡¯ve come! Have
some tea!¡± You might as well sit down because they¡¯re going to keep
offering it until you do!
Click Here for text and 100+ photos of "Journey
to the West" (trip to Longyan, in West Fujian).
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Last Updated: May 2007
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