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Guide to Xiamen & Fujian, China

Copyright 2004-2015 by Sue Brown & Dr. Bill

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Also visit our sponsor, Barrington Handicrafts Co. Ltd. A company with heart,their creed is "Valuable Products Made by Valuable People." Even the U.S.President uses their Xiamen-made bags. Click the image below to visit them (Click here for a case I wrote on them in Asia Case Research Journal).

Barrington Handicrafts Made in Xiamen

Excerpts from readers' letters about Magic Xiamen and Fujian Adventure...Barrington Handicrafts Made in Xiamen

22 Sep 2008 Prof. S. S. The Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina First of all, let me tell you how much my wife and I enjoy reading your guide to Amoy, Magic Xiamen. My wife found it at the last minute as we were leaving Xiamen on our way to Guangzhou. On the bus to the airport she gave me the book and asked if I thought the author was serious or not. After reading just a few lines, I realized this was one of the funniest, tongue-in-cheek, accounts I¡¯d ever read. I spent the entire flight from Xiamen to Guangzhou reading Magic Xiamen ....

07 July 2001, Dorothy A. Dear Dr. Bill, You have shattered my husbands peaceful retirement. Even before I reached Gulangyu and before I found the round houses and long before I found Amoy Magic, I knew I had found a special place. Am still working on my husband who is not enthusiastic about that looooong flight. Amoy Magic. Congratulations! That's the best guide to a town I've seen. Appreciated your "Lords of Opium" essay.

23 Feb 2000, Cindy W. (IKEA Corporation), “I know of Magic Xiamen from one of my Laowai colleague, and gladly have chance to read it. It's very useful guide not only for foreigners but also for Xiamenese like me. It gives me more information .Do you know that I even didn't know how the Mooncake Gambling was invented until l Magic Xiamen?”

14 Mar. 2003, James and Norma M. (Washington), “Your book brings extraordinary excitement to our minds and spirits…. We study your uniquely Chinese graphics, and "travel" about in Magic Xiamen; we discuss the universe in which you live; each time, I have a hankering to book flight and experience Xiamen, the University, Amoy.”

Jan. 16, 2003 Anna S.(Singapore) “Can’t wait for your new publications!”

Feb. 24, 2003, Prof. K. A. R., Center for Atmospheric Chemistry Studies, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI 02882-1197, USA
I got Magic Xiamen while in Xiamen and read it from cover to cover. Nice to meet the guy behind the book. I appreciated your sense of humor.”
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23 April 2001, Yu B. Dear Sir, I just recently pass through Xiamen and thanks to Magic Xiamen, my visit to the city was all the more memorable. Despite Xiamen's potential as a tourist destination, the city suffers a lack of tourist publications. Nothing to tell us where to go, what to do, where to eat, I couldn't even find a single postcard of the city! (Friends later help me buy some Xiamen University postcards.)

31 March 2000, Martin R. (German), “Hello Dr. Brown, I'm Martin, a German who lives now since 1 1/2 years in Xiamen and I like it so much. its one of the best cities in china. I was living in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong and Xiamen is the best. Today I finally bought your book and from the first look into it, i have to say, ITS JUST GREAT. I thought, that I know xiamen quite well, but in this book is so much information inside, which i didn't know. This weekend I have to read the book and then I have to check out everything.”

01 August 2000, Dave H. “write to tell you that yesterday I was given your AMOY MAGIC by someone from Utica, NY, who taught at XiaDa last semester, and last night I read it from cover to cover. I had your earlier, shorter pamphlet version when I came to China. Wish you were older--or I was younger--and this book had been available when I was there. Just your summary of where the bus lines go is worth the price! …Well, enough of this. Just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed AMOY MAGIC--and what a wonderful thing it is for those like me who come to China. Dave”

11 July 2001, Nellie C. Sales Manager, Holiday Inn, Dear Dr. Bill Brown, I saw your book 'Amoy Magic" blue trial volume some years ago but I didn't take time to read. Last weekend, my cousin Zhang Li asked me to check the page 55 about an article you wrote about him during Culture Revoluation Period, I bought the 2001 version in the book store,
I can't put it down till it is all been finished. As a Sales Manager in Holiday Inn Xiamen, my job need to take care the expatriates who long stay in hotel, it is the first time I feel how helpful is your guide book to those experatries. You really have done a lot for Xiamen.

10 Sep. 2001, Michelle, DELL, Hey, Bill, I got the book, took a quick look through, to be honest, you are more Xiamenese than most of local people. You know more culture and history than local. It is a good guide and full of fun. You are a genius.

3 Mar, 2003 Dr. Jack W. (Psychologist, California), “I can see how the local people must appreciate your putting their community on the map! Has there been an increase in tourists yet?”

02 April 2003, David R. (Xiamen), “bought your book Amoy Magic shortly after I arrived in Xiamen about six months ago…I just wanted to say I appreciated Magic Xiamen and it helped me discover a little bit of Fujian Province.”

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27 Jan 2000, Ma J. (Chinese in Xiamen), “After reading "Amoy Magic" tonight, I surprised found it to be a great help to my work. You came up with many useful comments on various Xiamen places.”

18 Feb 2000, Joy J. (Kodak, Xiamen), “For the past several days I went through an interesting book of introduction Xiamen to the outside world---- Magic Xiamen…It's a nice book, it gives vivid description and detailed information of Xiamen and the around area ---at almost each aspect ---location, geography, history, culture, local customs and festivals, food, shopping , sight-seeing, ...
What grabs me is not only the kaleidoscope of the introduction of Xiamen, but also the sense of humor it gives off. And the pictures from your hand are lovely, fresh, humorous, just like your words. In general, it's a good mixture of knowledge and fun…it looks that your book is very popular among Kodak's Laowai.”

07 Mar 2000, Hugh B. (Businessman in Xiamen), "Amoy Magic" is a really good book for foreigners who want to come/stay in Xiamen. Also a wonderful book for our Chinese, especially researcher/ students who want to study Xiamen from a foreigner's eyesight. At the end,I still want to praise the book you wrote. In many aspects, it is supposed to be NO.1 among books of Guide to Xiamen, and more. It is distinct that you had spent a lot of time & done a lot of work to investigate, study, deep into the local people. I could not imagine all the toil.”

26 July 2000, Tracy M. “Dr. Bill Brown, I came across your book by accident several weeks ago. A local man gave (he could not read english) me a copy. I really enjoyed it. Where can I purchase extra copies?
I have lived and worked in numerous areas of China the past ten years. I left Beijing in 1997 and arrived in Xiamen, like yourself I fell in love with Xiamen and I now call it my home. I rate it as one of the best cities in China.”

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17 Feb. 2000, Jonathan R. (Middle East), “Last week your book, Amoy Magic, was shown to me by some mutual friends. I was catching a ride up to Fuzhou and enjoyed reading through the whole trip. Afterwards I mentioned this great little book to a few friends who work up there. We would all like to get some copies. How much are they?”

17 Oct. 2001 Agnes (Kodak), “I've read the book of Amoy Magic. It's very good and I learn much from it. I also heard from Ms. Lee that you would write a book about Fujian. I hope you will have a success too!”

08 Nov 2001 Pistachio, “Good Morning, Bill, I'm so excited to read your Book Amoy Magic given by my friend... I just browse several pages of your book, haven't finish your book yet, But I believe It will be very helpful to me and also to my American friends. I can't wait to E-mail you. I know I have to E-mail you right away, letting you know me.”

19 April 2001, Cindy F. (U.S.) Ni Hao Dr. Brown, By way of introduction, my name is Cindy Friend and I am a fellow Laowai (from Towanda, KS) who will be staying in Xiamen for the next 5 1/2 months. I am here with my husband John who is on assignment at Taeco (for Boeing) to modify a couple of airplanes… John and I have read and enjoyed your book and are looking forward to experiencing the magic of Amoy….Since I am not working I will have more time to experience "Amoy Magic!" I look forward to hearing from you, Dr. Brown. Xie xie!!

26 May 2001, Jenelle L. Nevada City, California, I was loaned a copy of your Magic Xiamen and find it delightful. I'm currently teaching reading and writing English in Fuzhou at Wha Nan Women's College with plans to return to my home in CA in June.

05 July 2001 Dane W. Tacoma, Washington, USA, Dear "Beer", I have read your book of "Magic Xiamen" which I truly enjoyed variety of useful information (as a Chinese) and your great sense of huuumoorr. I believe you have done an excellent job in providing the culture difference which will help me a great deal to deal with my American friends here (just kidding.)

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I have shared the experience of meeting and knowing you with my family, my wife and two boys. They are all looking forward to meeting with your family sometime in the near future (not for friendship but for a free ride of your spacious Toy Ota. Thanks for the book. I look forward to read your next book, perhaps entitled 'Mathic Xiatle' or sort.

06 Sep. 2001, Max B. Dear Dr Brown, Your book, Amoy Magic, has made my first few days here in Xiamen much more comfortable than they would have been without it.
I’ve come to teach English Writing and British and American culture at Jimei University. This is my second year teaching in China. I live, here, in a hotel which serves a buffet lunch for 5 Yuan, which is just fine. At dinner I am confronted with a large Chinese menu with the instructions, order anything you want.¡± Fat chance. But Amoy Magic saved me from starvation -- all 250 pounds of me. I sit down with the helpful waitress and we pore over pages 178 to 187. She previously marked with a check the dishes they offer. I¡¯m making my way through them marking them with stars to remind me which ones I like.
Many thanks for the contribution your little book has made to my acculturation here in Amoy.

10 Sep. 2001, Richard H. Washington, D.C. My guides in Xiamen -- two of your former students whose name cards are somewhere amid more than 400 that I collected at the investment seminar last weekend -- gave me your book Amoy Magic. I read it on the flight home and only regret that I did not have it on the way over. It was great fun and I loved the puns, particularly the visual puns.

02 Oct 2002, Eugene K. W. Dear Dr. Brown, As a visitor here to Xiamen this week, I was fortunate enough to buy your book Amoy Magic. Besides the useful information, I found your humor interesting and , yes, humorous. Have you written anything else about this area?

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10 Oct. 2002, Dear Bill, Jennifer from Canada, and self, - Ross from Australia, are newcomers to Xiamen and had the good fortune to be given a copy of your book, Amoy Magic, with the anecdotes etc on this city.

04 Nov. 2002, Phoebe Z. Dear Mr Brown, It is amazing when I read the book of Amoy Magic you wrote. I am so surprised that you could find so many interesting things in our daily life. As I grew up in Xiamen, everything around seemed so common and I felt a litter bit boring towards the environment

07 Nov. 2002, Lisa N. (Chicago, Illinois), Dear Bill Brown, I've just recently arrived in Xiamen from Chicago. Although I had read Amoy Magic before leaving Illinois, I never could have estimated its value until now, as I am beginning to get settled and to learn my way around town. Xiamen is wonderful, as you say, and your book is a lifesaver. I am never without it (bus routes). Thanks for taking the tine to write it! Lisa

25 Nov. 2002, Colorado, Prof. Nathan K. Hi Bill. Just got your book, Amoy Magic. Great read! You do have a sly sense of humour.... I was amazed at the picture of Xiamen. I particularly enjoyed the inset piece on the Chinese Jews... I look forward to sharing this with my son, Brian.
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10 Jan. 2003 Frankie S. M.D., Houston, TX Got your book, Magic Xiamen, in shanghai two yrs ago. but got a chance to read it only a month ago. have been reading n enjoying it since then. like ur way of looking at things as a lou wei n lou nei. Is there a chance of getting your autograph when i get there sometime around the new yr ( yang nian ). ? Another friend of mine in texas will surely enjoy and treasure another signed copy . their daugther in law is from Xiamen. hoping at least to see u there. pls don't worry, I won't be stalking . sincerely, fs.

13 Jan 2003, Anna O. Manila, Philippines, I was in Xiamen a few weeks ago and got a copy of your book, Magic Xiamen. I was so happy to find one so helpful since my family and i will be moving to Xiamen next month. My husband (who is from the Fujian Province but lived in Manila all his life) and I along with my 9 month old baby will be living there beginning Feb. 10. We also will be studying Mandarin at the Xiamen University.
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Last Updated June 2014

Gulangyu Kulangyu Kolongsoo Kolongsu Kulongsu

Guide to Xiamen University Historic and modern, including departments -- Arts Science computers mathematics accounting management law department etc.
Xiamen Univ

Mystic Quanzhou -- the fabled port of Zayton ( or Zaytun Zaitun Zaiton ) from which Marco Polo sailed,  Sinbad the Arab visited.  Chinchew

AmoyMagic-- Travel , Resident and Business Guide to Xiamen and Fujian

Fujian Adv

Guide to Fukien Fuhken  Bilingual Chinese English Parallel with MP3 CD

Millennium Xiamen HotelXiamen's 1st & Finest Int'l Hotel: Millennium Xiamen Hotel

Guide to Xiamen and Fujian Tourism, History, Culture, Religion, Business and Investment, Cuisine, Travel, etc.

Main Cities Covered: Xiamen (former Amoy), Quanzhou (former Chinchew, Zayton, Zaitun, etc. Zhangzhou (former Changchow), Longyan, Anxi, Sanming, Ningde, Fuzhou, Putian, Wuyi etc.


Hint: To narrow search results, use parenthesis, such as "Xiamen travel guide"

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Readers' letters from MagicXiamenReader Letters
Xiamen Hotel Guide -- a Local''s Guide to the Best Hotel in XiamenXiamen Hotels
Gulangyu Hotels and Hostels  and bed and breakfastsGulangyu Hotels
Millennium Harbourview Xiamen Hotel First and finest international hotel in Xiamen ; Xiamen HotelsMillennium Harbourview Xiamen Hotel
    (First & Finest)

Best Fuzhou Hotels GuideFuzhou Hotels
Best Quanzhou Hotels Guide  hostels  Sheraton Sofitel Holiday Inn Shangrila Best Western MandarinQuanzhou Hotels

Millennium Harbourview Xiamen Hotels

Xiamen Hotel Guide -- a Local''s Guide to the Best Hotel in XiamenXiamen Hotels
XiamenMillennium Harbourview Hotel First and finest international hotel in Xiamen ; Xiamen HotelsMillennium Harbourview
      (First & Finest)



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